Wet Blasting Cabinet

The wet abrasive blasting cabinet or commonly known as Wet Blasting Cabinet uses a seal-less slurry pump to convert the abrasive media and water into a slurry mixture. This slurry mixture is then transferred or pumped directly to the abrasive blast gun where compressed air pressure moves the mixture with the desired pressure rating. When we are working with a suction-blast gun, it is simple to recognize, because it has two pipes attached to it, one providing compressed air and one vacuum pipe (abrasive blasting hose) is bringing media into the gun. sand blasting nozzle has simply one larger pipe to deliver a mixture of media particles and compressed air. wet blasting Cabinet Price in India depends on work-piece size, If the work-piece size is small then need a small wet blasting cabinet. If the work-piece size will large then the wet blasting cabinets size will be large, so the cost will depend on the size of the blast cabinet. Sandblasting Cabinet Manufacturer can reduce cost as per component size

Pressure Blasting Cabinet

Pressure Blasting Cabinets works on the Direct Pressure principle of blasting. It uses a pressurized vessel or “blast pot” that holds the abrasive media. In a pressure blast cabinet, the air pressure in the vessel and is maintained to be the same. This means that there is no pressure differential between the blast pot and the blast line this allows the abrasive media to meter into the airstream at the blast pot and then transfer the length of the blast hose and pipe out to the nozzle. Pressure abrasive blasting cabinets equipment has a single hose running to the sand blasting nozzle. Designed specifically for high throughput and demanding applications. It provides advanced features to ensure efficient operation or working and maximum operator comfort while using Pressure Blasting Cabinet.

Suction Blasting Cabinet

Suction blasting Cabinet Price in India depends on work-piece size, If the work-piece size is small then need a small sandblasting cabinet. If the work-piece size will large then the size of the sandblasting cabinet will be large, so the cost will depend on the size of the blast cabinet. Sandblasting Cabinet Manufacturer can reduce cost as per component size

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